Whisky. What does it take to fit in?
When my husband, New Dram Drinker announced that he was going to start a YouTube channel reviewing whiskies, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would become this entangled in the whisky world. As someone who classed herself, at the time, as exactly the kind of person the channel was aimed at (completely new to whisky) I totally understood, needed and appreciated all the help I could get on this journey. And I was scared.
Previously, if asked what I thought a ‘typical’ whisky drinker looked like I would have conjured up images of middle aged gentlemen in tweed suits, sitting in leather arm chairs looking out over the Scottish Highlands drinking some sort of amber liquid from a cut glass tumbler. Is it just me or can anyone else hear Etta James singing “This is a man’s world…”?
This image is so far removed from myself today - sitting amongst the flowers in my garden, wearing a Summer dress and flip-flops, listening to jazz, drinking a beautiful Glenfarclas 15-year-old single malt and happily typing away on my laptop.
So what was my transition into becoming a comfortable, confident whisky drinker?
All the people I’ve run into along my path – and I have to admit, they were mostly men.
Early on there was no way of knowing how I would be received. I imagine many saw me as New Dram Drinker’s other half and just there to look pretty or for moral support. I saw myself as an outsider, a stranger if you like, in a world I knew nothing about. I was inexperienced. I didn’t speak the lingo. I didn’t know my Glengoyne’s from my Glenmorangie’s, nor the difference between a bourbon and a blended and I was also a woman. It was scary to say the least.
Whilst I am now aware that there are many females in the whisky community and indeed those who hold very high positions within distilleries and whisky companies - very early on that was not my experience. Females were few and far between at events (participating and hosting) and I was often the only woman in the room simultaneously trying to look like I belonged there whilst also trying not to draw attention to myself! It was a huge bonus to me if there was just one other woman present!
However, I do love a challenge. And the challenge here was to step into the whisky world in my size 3 high heels and make it my own. I wanted to experience it and enjoy it – but it had to be my way. Initially I listened and absorbed as much information as I could. I am, by default, someone who finds all things interesting but it was my love of connecting with people that helped me figure out, little by little what all the excitement was about and just what made people come back to whisky again and again. It was difficult initially, being a woman in an often large group of men. However, over time I began to realise that no-one was looking down on me or dismissing me for my lack of knowledge – in fact they were only too happy to share personal experiences about their favourite drams or whisky related escapade! I realised that we all have something to offer and that if you talk with passion about what you know, people will listen.
So, here are my top 6 tips for anyone (not just women) who is embarking on a love affair with whisky and are worried about how they will be received:
When in doubt, ask! Early on, I was afraid of asking too many questions in case I was mocked for not knowing anything. However, it was the opposite - I found that if you are willing to ask questions in a bid to further your knowledge then people are only too happy to share their experiences, recommendations and many, many samples! Certainly, that is the whole point to our YouTube channel – we remember how daunting starting out on a whisky journey can be, so we do all we can to help fellow newbies out.
Have a plan! Decide what you want to achieve and do it! The whisky world is vast and it can be so daunting when you first start out. For me, I just wanted to get to the point where I could drink a dram. I started off with whisky cocktails and a lot of soda water, gradually decreasing the amount as my palate adapted to the taste. I enjoyed myself and eventually became more confident when ordering these, often asking for my favourite brands. As a side note, it’s totally okay (and definitely more fun!) to deviate every now and then in search of something new and exciting!
Integrity at all times! Don’t pretend to know more than you do. By all means, listen to reviews and recommendations – but form your own opinions. It’s not okay to say a whisky is ‘awful’ but it is okay to say that it’s not to your taste or you prefer a different type. Likewise, I would never say I can get a flavour if I can’t. I’ve learnt over time that it’s all subjective! We once did a Tweet tasting where a dozen or so people all sampled the same whisky and I counted over 50 different flavours that were picked out.
Social media can be your best friend! There are so many YouTube channels, Instagram posts and Twitter feeds that can be inspirational. They introduce you to new releases, old favourites and so much more. Find a brand, group or simply individuals that you can follow and learn from. It’s good to immerse yourself in all the knowledge that’s out there. We have connected with people from all around the world simply by being active on social media.
Keep going! It can feel a little overwhelming in the beginning – so many whiskies, so little money! But remember that this world is vast and it isn’t getting smaller any time soon. Have fun trying what you can, but be open to trying recommendations or something outside the box and every now and then you will find a sexy little something to excite you! When I look at how far I have come in a little over 18 months I have to acknowledge that I have tried some amazing delights – but I’m also aware of all the beauties that are out there still waiting to be sampled! It would have been really easy for me to have given up just because I couldn’t drink whisky neat or felt intimidated because I was the only woman in the room!
Your journey. Your way! “Comparison is the thief of joy”, someone famous once said. Everyone’s whisky experience is not the same – yes, there are people out there who may like to tell you how to drink your drink or that one brand is better than another. But you need to make this journey your own. Don’t feel intimidated or worry that you haven’t experienced as many whiskies as someone else or your knowledge is not as vast. It’s all a learning curve. You will get there.
So, whether you class yourself as a novice or a veteran, prefer your whisky in a cocktail or a Glencairn glass, this world is big enough for the both of us. We are all after one thing and that is the pleasure of the whisky; remember that, and I guarantee you will have a lot more fun!
About the author
Nicky is one half of whisky duo New Dram Drinker, the WhiskyTube channel aimed at people that are brand new to whisky.
Although they started as only a channel, together they have created small but growing (and very inclusive) community of people who are passionate about sharing whisky, knowledge, experiences and fun.
You can find Nicky on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
on the NDD Website.